IAB HK Adtech Friday to ChitChat on "Impact of Web 3.0 on Marketing"

IAB HK Adtech Friday to ChitChat on "Impact of Web 3.0 on Marketing"


IAB HK hosted another exciting and insightful AdTech Friday Community ChitChat centering around the impact of Web 3.0 on Marketing at Google Office on 7 July 2023. Thank you everyone for coming and hope you have gained a more diverse understanding from numerous digital marketers in the community of how to utilize Web 3 technologies and tools to create effective marketing strategies.

A big shout out to Google for sponsoring the venue and F&B, and a big thanks to our IAB HK Adtech & Programmatic Committee Matthew Chan (ExCo), Sally Ng, Ben Chien, Devin Ip, Keith Fong, Charlene Ree, Kevin Leung, and Jenny Tsang for curating this event. Look forward to seeing you at our upcoming IAB HK C23 Conference and Exhibition!

#iabhk #Adtech #community #chitchat #technology #web3 #digital #marketing #digitalmarketing #MarketingIndustry #chitchattogether

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